
Showing posts from December, 2022

A Need for Change

 I recently purchased a book called Spiritual Herbalism, throughout my herbalism studies, I have purchased a few books, however, this one resonates with me, it's a must have. As a clinical herbalist, the need for change has become paramount, this is about changing the toxic energy that as attached it self down generations. One must find the need within oneself to recognise the importance of change, we shouldn't continue destroying ourselves, we need to wake up and embrace the abundance and joy of life. Life, at many intervals, has dealt some dreadful cards to many of us, and yet we keep playing and losing, forbidding ourselves to stops.  Well...sooner than later the alarm bell of life is going to start ringing and will continue until it finally stops and it's all over. AM I? ARE YOU? going to make it a winning hand, and change? Moving forward, positively, taking 'the bull by the horns' as quoted, living a balanced and healthy life with Mother Nature by ...

A Time to Rest

2022 has been a very interesting one, with many challenges, working as a carer, coming home feeling mentally drained, still a very rewarding job, finally completing my Clinical Herbalism course with a distinction, which I'm very proud of. Finding many paths to journey down, people leaving and coming into my life, so uplifting and rewarding!! Supporting those who seeked healing on their journey with such love and light, it's really been an honor working with their ancestors.  I find it difficult operating in the wintertime, hence,   I have decided to temporarily close the Sanctuary, until  the spring, when life begins, Mother Earth begins to give birth to life, and 'all is well' she'll says.   For now enjoy the rest of 2022.  Happy New Year, See you in 2023.  Namaste